Take a stand for America, because the time is now or never, if we do not save America, there will not be an America for our Children to enjoy, The Republican’s need to stand up and no matter what the democrats threaten to do no matter what they say they will do, even if the democrats say that they will wreck the economy, (have they not already do it) have the democrats almost financially ruined the economy already?
What happens over the next three days could make all the difference between the American Dream being available to our children and the second great depression.
Why should they be allowed to say no when they only represent a small part of the people, 80 percent of the people in the US understand that we must contain the spending or else face the ruin of our nation.
Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi, continue to push and push, they think that the republicans
will back down like they always have.
They think that republicans will not do what is needed to do to keep our nation safe from treachery, from treason?
Is what Harry Reid, talking about doing treason?
To say that the Senate will not act to keep America from defaulting on its debt?
Could Harry Reid be arrested for what he is trying to do?
I hope not, because when they start to arrest people for freedom of speech, then we will all be slaves of the thoughts of those that would oppress the people until nothing is left. Harry Reid is one of those alleged, people that do not care what they do to this nation, because allegedly deep down inside, they do not like America, they allegedly want to destroy this nation.
Will the democrats be the party of No?
Or will the Senate vote on one of the two bills they have been given?
The republicans have done what they were voted into office by the American people to do, however we see that a handful of potentially treasonous, Senators, are attempting to say no, to America, they are attempting to say no to millions of children all over the US, they are trying to say no that what they want is more important that what the people want.
Is that right? We don’t think it is…
It is time for the republicans to stand up and do what is right for the 80 percent of the American people that want a Balanced Budget, that want what is best for America, even if the media tries to blame it all on the republicans you know the media is going to do that anyway.
The media is going to attempt to blame the republicans no matter what.
Because they are no longer objective in what they do, they no longer report, they represent an interest or a point of view, but they no longer really report, in that the liberals are right a news company that no longer reports is not really a news company at all and probably should not have all the benefits they enjoy, today.
So since we know that the media will not report the truth about who the real party of No really is, then …
Why not be in the right, why not do the right thing for America, why not be remembered for standing up and doing what needs to be done and no matter what the cost, stop this out of control spending and progressive agenda that is doomed to failure because those who do not learn from the mistakes of the past are doomed to repeat history and history has proven over 500 years of history has proven that progressive politics do not work it did not work for Rome.
It did not Work for Hitler, it did not work for Mussolini, it did not work for any of these people they all thought that they were smarter and better than anyone that came before them but they all were wrong.
They were just as convinced as Harry Reid, is and they were just as convinced as Nancy Pelosi, is, that they are right they think that what they are doing is right, but they are wrong, because in the end, the wants of the few do not outweigh the needs of the many, that is what we are talking about here, what we are saying is that in society in our world, want and need are two different things and you cannot always have what you want but your should be able to have what you need.
So they are wrong to want no matter what the cost, they are wrong to want and take away the needs of everyone else in America, that is wrong, it was wrong back then and it is wrong now. They were wrong then and they are wrong now, we know it and deep down inside they do too, they think they can get away with it because they think that republicans do not have the guts to stand.
My friends we must stand, because if we fall we can never get up again, America will fail and that is not what the people are about that is not what our fathers fought and died to protect, my father, gave, two tours in Vietnam, while his family who loved him stayed at home, his country needed him and we wanted him at home, but he sacrificed a great many things in his life, so that you could be free, Free to have your needs met, because of men like my father, you have the ability to eat out where you want, you can buy a car, or even a house. You can do things that other people in other nations, only dream about doing, because of men like my father.
Stand firm, Stand strong, Stand up for America.
Because in the end, it is all we have, it is all we are, it is what America is all about.
Because when you look at all those that came before you, when you look at the lives of those men that stormed the beaches of Normandy, when you look at those men who bravely fell in battle, and gave everything. How can we fail them now, how could we not stand up for the right way, how could we not do what is right for the American people, because if we do not stand up, then how can we ever be free again?
America it is time to stand up for what is right it is time to stand up for those that gave everything so that you could have the chance to live the American dream, even the President Agrees, that we should have the opportunity to live that dream, how can we deny, that opportunity to our children?