Tag: Senators
The beginning of the end…
Tonight the American people were sold into what amounts to slavery by these Men who Swore an oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States of America. You decide if these men deserve to be in the Senate. Vote in 2014 and 2016 send a message to all Senators that refused to…
Dumbo comes to Washington…
Think you know much about how stupid senators could create problems for everyone else but themselves? (allegedly) Now think about this, its time to vote this guy out of office…
Gun Control BS
It is amazing that we have Senators in Congress that are as ignorant as these seem to be. In some of the recent Tragedies where innocents were murdered by people who should have received care by the medical system and by the organizations for which they worked, yet were to somehow believe that more gun…
The end of the Senate?
Could this really be happening, in America. Will Senators, vote to allow one man, who may actually be unfit for duty, (allegedly) To wreck the constitution and to end America as we know it? Harry Reid is threatening to end the possibility of the Senate filibuster for all Presidential nominees as early as this week.…
Pat Toomey Republican or Democrat you decide…
This Video is an interesting read on what is happening all over the US… Are they really going to keep supporting an unconstitutional event? Most elected officials spent their July 4th walking in parades and waving to crowds. Shaking hands, smiling and posing for pictures. You know the drill But for nearly twenty U.S.…
IRS issues, Senator Durban, Time to send him home?
You know from watching the news and by keeping up with politics that the congress is not doing their jobs, we have unconstitutional actions by Senators, no budget in four years, a Supreme court that is out of control with rulings coming form politics instead of the oath of office… It is time to send…
Senator who blamed the people
This is why we need to vote these Old Senators out of office, you know the ones that sleep during the times when they should be working for the people, it is still We the People, not the way that some senators seem to think. This is not only Amazing but it will make the…
Senators that need to be Fired in the United States Senate
[kc_heading_pac_6_headline_1 size=”35″ color=”#cc0000″ ]Warning..[/kc_heading_pac_6_headline_1] This news story will make you angry… If you are offended by the truth then don’t read this because you will not like it. My friends this is perhaps one of the most sad and difficult times in recent memory. We have had a second attack on the United States from…
Enslavement of the People
It has and will always be we the people, that is the basis of what we are and who we are. Recently this message was delivered. In less than 4 days, U.S. Senators return to Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. The show-down battle over our gun rights is upon us — things are heating up…
Joe machin betraying the people of west Virginia?
When will politicians realize that we the people are sick and tired of Liars? You might think that a man of the people would actually perform the oath of office that they take yet for some reason this governor does not seem to understand that notion that four words are so easy to understand. Shall…