Gun Control BS

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It is amazing that we have Senators in Congress that are as ignorant as these seem to be.

In some of the recent Tragedies where innocents were murdered by people who should have received care by the medical system and by the organizations for which they worked, yet were to somehow believe that more gun control would stop this? That is just plain Stupid and these people are in control of the Senate…

Think about that when you vote in 2014.

The most recent tragic event where good people lost their lives, was the direct result of a lack of medical care by the Veterans Administration. Another Fact is that there were no armed security personal that could respond in time to prevent this horrible nightmare.

Gun Free City, but it did not stop the violence.

It did not stop Boston, it did not stop Sandy Hook, All Gun Free Zones, passing more laws that do nothing to stop the violence is not the answer, it is political bull pucky.

source TNP

Yesterday, anti-gun California Senator Dianne Feinstein strode to the microphone demanding her colleagues pass a gun control bill — immediately — specifically her beloved “assault weapons ban.”

Powerful House Democrat Steny Hoyer urged his colleagues to “renew” the push in the House and Senate for gun control legislation. Hordes of gun control lobbyists have spread out on Capitol Hill today looking for new Republican and Democrat support for gun control legislation. But facts don’t matter to the gun-grabbers . . .

Whenever a tragedy — a revolting grave crime — is committed, gun-grabbers ALWAYS rush to “cash in.”