Everything the Media wish you didn’t know is right here!

  • Executive Orders?

    What are they and how do they work? Recently we have seen reports from the Media about executive orders that the Biden Administration is making that may not be entirely right… One of the biggest searches on Google today is. Can an executive order be reversed? Presidential executive orders, once issued, remain in force until…

  • US Steel? or Japan Steel?

    The media appear to be on the side of having Japan as the owner of perhaps one of the largest steel companies left in the USA. That would seem to be a problem… What are some of the things that might become a problem? Well, obviously the cost of Japanese steel? The cost of a…

  • Quantum Computing?

    Is Quantum computing going to change the world? In a recent news story Google is working towards a quantum computer chip. But is that real or is it more like a pipe dream? In still other news sources they claimed that a Quantum computer could cause bitcoin to collapse into nothing. But again are they…

  • Terrorist Attack?

    The FBI appear to have stated that this is not a terrorist attack? But the attacker has IED explosives ? Is this yet another method of trying to control the narrative? or is there something else going on here? This is very concerning IF our media and law enforcement organizations cannot bring themselves to say…

  • Mayor of New Orleans

    Mass Casualty event. “the Mayor of New Orleans has said that there has been a Terrorist attack on Bourbon Street in New Orleans Louisiana” Ten Dead in Terrorist Attack…

  • The sky is falling?

    Government Shutdown… Oh my, Lions Tigers and Bears… Are we about to see yet another Government shutdown? Want to be afraid? Watch the liberal news and how they HYPE up fear…

  • What IF there were no FED?

    Imagine for a moment that President Trump were to abolish the FED? That might be something of serious interest because there is nothing in the US constitution that even suggests that we need a private corporation to manage our banking and money… Think about that for a moment… Of course many would likely scream that…

  • Is United Health Care

    Under investigation or are they a very large complicated organization? There are reports online that tend to indicate that there may have been some scary stuff going on at United Health Care…

  • Assassination in New York?

    This is very concerning of course everyone knows how dangerous New York has become since the unchecked illegal immigration in New York… But this is really something you might expect to see in a movie. The only difference here is that this is not the movies.

  • No one is above the LAW!

    IS THIS REALLY TRUE… Amazing that the democrats seem to think that no one is above the law.. Unless its them? So is it really true? or are they all just lying to you day after day after day… They tell the same lies over and over again why is that? Could it be that…