Tag: Capitol Hill

  • Holy Banshee Batman

    Can you believe what they are trying to do in Washington? Why do you feel they want to do this… Source.  On Wednesday, House and Senate Tea Party leaders came together with grassroots activists on Capitol Hill to denounce President Obama’s unilateral amnesty order that now frees an estimated 5-6 million illegal immigrants from the…

  • Gun Control BS

    It is amazing that we have Senators in Congress that are as ignorant as these seem to be. In some of the recent Tragedies where innocents were murdered by people who should have received care by the medical system and by the organizations for which they worked, yet were to somehow believe that more gun…

  • Who is Sarah ingram hall

    This is perhaps one of the most important questions that leaders on capitol hill have not been asking. Is it true that the person that “Resigned” at the IRS was not really responsible for the problems that have been developing for the scandal about using the IRS for political power during an election cycle? Watch…

  • Enslavement of the People

    It has and will always be we the people, that is the basis of what we are and who we are. Recently this message was delivered. In less than 4 days, U.S. Senators return to Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. The show-down battle over our gun rights is upon us — things are heating up…

  • Sequester Insanity…

    Amazing the story you are about to read is just that… You might be wondering about how the Sequester budget battle is effecting the lives of those people who need help in America. The truth may be something that you find difficult to understand and comprehend. Read the rest of the story here. I know…

  • super congress unconstitutional

    Amazing news folks, it appears that not only have the American people been betrayed, but our elected leaders apparently are prepared to sacrifice the constitution in order to do what they want to do.   Not what the people want to do, but what they want to do. They are proposing that they create what would…

  • youtube felony

    Warning… Instead of attending college your child may soon be a criminal… You might soon become a criminal if the Senate has their way with this bill… So what next? This is why we need to start over on Capitol hill, in the last election cycle a message was sent… They ignored it, They think…