Category: Politics

  • Director of Doritos

    Has Resigned. In some ways it is amazing that the director of the Secret Service meant to stay in her job after failing America in such a spectacular way. When you look at what happened and you see how incompetent this situation is you just have to wonder who is really making decisions in Washington.…

  • Too many mistakes

    There is a lot of information coming out about mistakes that were made. #1 Allowing a rooftop 150 yards away to be designated as “outside” the perimeter. Reports indicate that police were aware of a the presence of a suspicious individual. The secret service did not stop Trump from taking the stage.

  • Inside job? or incompetence?

    The media and Google appear to be once again suppressing online searches. When you do a google search for assassination inside job? You will see a lot of Media speculation about conspiracy theories even though you never search for conspiracy theories? How does that happen? When you see Google working with the Media on presenting…

  • the next pulitzer prize?

    This may be the most iconic image taken in many years. This may well be the next pulitzer prize winning image. AP photographer Evan Vucci This is perhaps the defining moment in a history of overcoming the issues that a handful of individuals also known as the deep state appear to be intent on destroying…

  • Secret Service DEI hire?

    Was this a problem with DEI and yet another failure of incorrect hiring? DEI appears to be at the bottom of a great many failures, from ships hitting bridges to train derailments and now a nearly successful assassination attempt at a campaign event. Are we safe? Recently we have seen some serious failures attributed to…

  • shooter identified

    We have a real problem in this nation and it its name is DEI Thomas Matthew Crooks a name that will be forever identified with an assassination attempt.

  • Shooter identified in Assassination attempt.

    Thomas Matthew Crooks. A 20 year old male who said that he hates republicans. This is a sad reminder that everything that we see on the Media controlled narrative is dangerous. Is this the gunman? Some reports have surfaced that could indicate that the shooter may not have acted alone? There are multiple reports of…

  • Donald J Trump shot!

    An Assassination attempt was made at a PA rally. It is time for all of this trash talking by the white house to end. Pray for our nation. Is this the fault of the Media? They have all been saying that “they” cannot allow Donald Trump to become president? When you engage in radical talk…

  • Mcdonalds

    This is not a good look folks but it is what you will find in most of these fast food places these days. They basically do not want to do the right thing which means that this location knows what this guy wants but they do not want to do it …

  • blue cross must pay !

    In a settlement with a former employee who was fired for refusing to accept a forced covid vaccine! They made a choice to force employees to get the jab and now they are paying a high price. What we now know about how wrong these people were about the vaccine and how bad it is…