Tag: Act
Affordable Care Act or Obama Care?
You may be somewhat confused by the Media and its use of these two terms, one is law the other is not the law. You would think that Obama care were the correct and legal version of the bill that congress passed by listening to the media. The truth is nothing could be further from…
Media Race Baiting causes Riots?
Do you feel that the media is attempting to create the news by using a despicable tactic? The truth may be not only bewildering but also dangerous. When you read these articles and you see the coverage on TV, do you think that they are intentionally engaging in something that could be very dangerous… Don’t…
Will congress act or are they impotent
Imagine people just thumbing their noses at congress because they don’t believe in the constitution. Will the people be heard or will they just ignore us once again.
obama care too complicated for most people?
So is the affordable care act too complicated for the average person to understand? I guess its possible but one thing seems interesting because so far the effects of a socialized medicine system seem to be less than what anyone ever hoped to see. On a recent trip to the emergency room I noticed a…
Biased Reporting is it fair?
When it comes to opinionated reporting you have to wonder what they are thinking, simply because it seems obvious to anyone with any intelligence what they are doing however the problem is that many of these so called “reporters” do not realize how transparent they actually are. Most people know in their hearts when they…
class warfare the media and bias reporting
What happened to the days of real reporting free of bias? To tell you the truth I cannot remember when I last saw real reporting designed to bring the news to the consumer of the news. Why are the media so invested in developing a bias that creates consumer back lash because when you look…
moving to the middle
Some say that the current president may be incapable of moving to the middle like president Bill Clinton did which resulted in a growth in the economy and a budget surplus, so what does that mean, if you had a man that was poised on a bridge and he said I have two choices, I…
Stand for America
Take a stand for America, because the time is now or never, if we do not save America, there will not be an America for our Children to enjoy, The Republican’s need to stand up and no matter what the democrats threaten to do no matter what they say they will do, even if the…
Senate the party of no?
Defense Cuts, medicare cuts? What are they thinking, who is writing these bills is it not in the constitution that spending bills shall originate in the house? Harry Reid has once again failed the American People, he wanted a vote on his bill, but he will not allow a vote on any other…
Republicians Weak and spineless?
Republicans Betrying the American Dream? Will this be the next big headline, while congress sets up to pass what the only plan that has been put forward that might actually work. Say its not so, in fact, imagine for a moment that men that were hired to do a job actually had the Balls, to…