Republicians Weak and spineless?

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Republicans Betrying the American Dream?

Will this be the next big headline, while congress sets up to pass what the only plan that has been put forward that might actually work.

Say its not so, in fact, imagine for a moment that men that were hired to do a job actually had the Balls, to stand up to those that would enslave us and take our nation back, by the people, for the people, right, or is that just some outdated concept?

Weak GOP may loose in 2012 because they allegedly are cowards too afraid to stand up like a man and do the right thing.

Do the republicians have what it take to make real changes in America and not the hope of change but real change.

The latest buzzwords, are cut, cap, balance,

Cut the Spending, Cap the amount that can be spent, Ballence the Budget.

Sounds so simple that just about anyone can figure out that it must be done if America is to survive, yet, apparently the democrats do not want to try to cut cap and ballance, they want to destroy your way of life, (allegedly)

One thing that needs to be added to this equation, is a flad tax, period, a flat tax would cause the market to move to over 14 thousand in less than a week, in fact, the market would go insane with activity, can you imagine what a 17,000 or even 18,700 market would look like?

It is possible but only if the republicians stand up and act like men and not frieghtened children.

It is time to make the real changes that will save America or perhaps the democrats would rather just let it all be destroyed.

So, we will know more about it soon.

Either the republicans will stand up like men or they will cower like children as America is destroyed and the dollar is worthless.

Just in case you might want to invest in food insurance, because if the republicians cave in on this deal we are lost.

The end of America will be in sight, there will be no stopping what will come next, a second depression only this time it will be worse.

Food insurance.

Just in case, you might want to invest in food insurance because I can tell you that a weeping speaker of the house is not going to work in this tough economy.

Get Food insurance here.