Tag: Slaves
class warfare the media and bias reporting
What happened to the days of real reporting free of bias? To tell you the truth I cannot remember when I last saw real reporting designed to bring the news to the consumer of the news. Why are the media so invested in developing a bias that creates consumer back lash because when you look…
budget nightmare
$1.3 trillion deficit for 2011, could be the largest shortfall in the more than 60 years. Are we about to face a financial crisis that is beyond the imagination of Americans? They can play the blame game but over all most Americans know what the score is here, liberals are ruining this nation, or at…
Stand for America
Take a stand for America, because the time is now or never, if we do not save America, there will not be an America for our Children to enjoy, The Republican’s need to stand up and no matter what the democrats threaten to do no matter what they say they will do, even if the…
super congress unconstitutional
Amazing news folks, it appears that not only have the American people been betrayed, but our elected leaders apparently are prepared to sacrifice the constitution in order to do what they want to do. Not what the people want to do, but what they want to do. They are proposing that they create what would…
Genghis Khan We demand you return the land…
Should we go back and demand that every nation on the face of the earth return all the land they have ever fought over? What about the many millions of lives that have been lost because of land, War War, ll and really many wars have been fought over land, so what now we just…
US unstable?
Is the US now unstable, Millions of dollars were lost on the stock exchange today as a result of something that many people said could never happen, but it did happen and guess what else, it happened when a democrat was in the white house. Watch the Video Below and buy some extra canned food…