Instead of attending college your child may soon be a criminal…
You might soon become a criminal if the Senate has
their way with this bill…
So what next? This is why we need to start over on Capitol hill, in the last election cycle a message was sent… They ignored it, They think that we don't matter because were so busy with our lives that we will not have time to even remember who has betrayed us in congress and the senate. Amazing but true, low life senators allegedly want to imprison your children… What would happen if they passed a law that would make it a crime to view, hear, see, material that was alleged to be a violation of someones copyright? What would happen, would we find that we have millions of people that were charged with a felony…
Senate bill 978? would make it a felony allegedly to embed a video on a website.
Do the idiots in the senate have nothing better to do than to plan the destruction of a company like google? This is perhaps the most ignorant thing I have seen in years.
According to Mark Masnick, if a website embeds a YouTube video that is determined to have infringed on copyright and more than 10 people view it on that website, the owner or others associated with the website could face up to five years in prison. Amazing, folks we have millions who are unemployed, we have millions more that are in dire circumstances, with no job, no way to pay the rent, my friends, the people who are behind this bill must be recalled. This is just what we do not need out of our senate, vote them out of office, when they show just how stupid they really are it is time to put them out.
Vote no on
Senate bill 978?
This bill must be defeated, stop the insane foolishness of this type of stupidity, imagine if everyone were felons, who would work, because everyone knows if your a felon you cant get a job, so really is this the best type of law for this nation?
We do not need more people in office like this, what we need is real people that have real ideas to save our Nation.