Tag: google
The Secret
There is a little known secret about how to understand what the media are saying on a daily basis. Now this is going to be previewed as somewhat disingenuous. But hey were just that way around here, so here is the quick and dirty secret that the media wish you were too dumb to figure…
Celebrating the forth of July…
As a kid I remember the anticipation of the holiday where you got to eat watermelon, hot dogs, hamburgers, lemon-aid and fireworks, they were fun and often we would share these wonderful memories with our families. [kc_heading_pac_3_headline_main size=”48″ color=”#C00″ ]Fourth of July…[/kc_heading_pac_3_headline_main] But are what are we celebrating here, the actual day of the forth…
Tax liars and cheats Thugs in New Jersey?
Imagine for a moment that you live in a state where they have employed a corporate (alleged thug) to evaluate your property so that they can increase the value of your home in order to collect more taxes, if you reject what they represent which is total authority, (allegedly) then they can and will subjugate…
youtube felony
Warning… Instead of attending college your child may soon be a criminal… You might soon become a criminal if the Senate has their way with this bill… So what next? This is why we need to start over on Capitol hill, in the last election cycle a message was sent… They ignored it, They think…
Shut it down?
Is this the End of Washington? Should we look for the sky to fall? Where is Chicken Little? So should we be worried, if you watch the news, you might have noticed the overly dramatic rendition of oh my chicken little the sky is falling, but seriously folks, this is not the first time that…
Arizona right to pursue happiness
The problem here is that there is nothing wrong with the law in Arizona, there is nothing wrong with Americans that have a desire to be able to pursuit of happiness… There is no reason to believe that Arizona has no right to defend itself this is a clear tenth amendment case and I can…