Tag: Youtube Video

  • Reject the Senate

    The Senate wants to put your child in jail for watching a youtube video? What no way, I mean dont they have enough problem with the debt and the economy without trying to pass a law to make it a felony to watch a video online?  Really this is the hope and the change you…

  • Senate bill 978

    Will we sit idly by and watch as Senators try to make felons out of our children? Vote them out of office, if they are not fit for office then they need to be voted out, when you talk about making it a crime to view content that someone else claims is copyrighted, (which by…

  • youtube felony

    Warning… Instead of attending college your child may soon be a criminal… You might soon become a criminal if the Senate has their way with this bill… So what next? This is why we need to start over on Capitol hill, in the last election cycle a message was sent… They ignored it, They think…