Tag: Felons
Gun Grab making felons of every American?
You might wonder about what nation you live in when you have people that run around trying to subvert the constitution at every available moment. Attempting to change what has made this nation great, trying to tell us that somehow our fathers who fought and died for this nation were wrong? Think about this for…
Senate bill 978
Will we sit idly by and watch as Senators try to make felons out of our children? Vote them out of office, if they are not fit for office then they need to be voted out, when you talk about making it a crime to view content that someone else claims is copyrighted, (which by…
youtube felony
Warning… Instead of attending college your child may soon be a criminal… You might soon become a criminal if the Senate has their way with this bill… So what next? This is why we need to start over on Capitol hill, in the last election cycle a message was sent… They ignored it, They think…
Internet Criminals
The idea that soon there might be millions of teenagers all over the world being charged with a crime is something that is just really insane. Yet apparently our elected leaders think that this is the way to overcome the real problems that we face instead of trying to turn college students into felons. When…
youtube felony?
Will you stand idly by and watch as over paid, senators, plan on turning your children into Felons? Felons that cannot get a good job? Felons that will never be able to buy a home? Felons that will never be able to go to college? Is this the type of hope and change you voted…