Raise the debt, Raise the Debt you can almost here the mythic chanting of the democrats but when will the media cover the real story here and that is a simple thing, when you have spent as much money as you can spend and you can spend no more money because you already are in so much debt from whom will you borrow more money?
The one aspect that no one is covering including Fox news is the very real fact that when your at your limit in borrowing capacity, you cannot get another loan, simply because that is not the way it works. For a majority of Americans, the idea of getting a loan is like winning the lottery, they simply do not have the ability to do that because they have already borrowed as much as they can.
When a man or a woman goes to the bank and says, hey I need another loan please, the bank will look at that persons credit and then say well Mr. John Q Public, I would love to lend you more money but you have not paid back the last loan you got from this bank and in fact you have not paid back any of the last four loans we gave you so the answer is No, you cannot borrow any more money.
That is what would happen in the real world if any one of you were to go to the bank with an outstanding loan far in excess of what you were capable of paying back, but apparently we have some in Washington that are playing around like this is some kind of big game where they are in a back smoke filled room playing poker and they put down the title to their Mercedes Benz because they have run out of cash and they really “think” that this is the hand that will get them all the money back they have already lost.
Well you know what happens next right, the guy looses, because he is so desperate to win that he has failed to realize that the game is stacked against him and all the players are cheating him and he does not even know it because he is so convinced that he is going to win but the truth is that he has already lost.
So, the Senate has refused to do the right thing, led by Democrat Harry Reid, and they are now threatening that they may allegedly take matter into their own hands, which would be treason, yes you heard right the option that some are discussing in the news is Treason and might be punishable by criminal law.
But lets put all that aside for one moment and pretend that no one is on any one side or the other in this issues.
Lets say that there is some kind of measure that is passed allowing the USA to borrow more money, (WHO is going to lend it to them?) Who would be that stupid, because they already have so much of our debt, that we can never pay it back unless we stop what we are doing pull back the sheets and the covers on the walls and let the sunlight into the room, open the windows and let the fresh air in so that people can make honest decisions.
It is time to make a decision, to start cutting out the things that we do not need, like the Arts funding, and yes, even the subsidies, for corn and for the Gas companies, we need to examine the budget line by line and find out where the waste is and get rid of it, it is not impossible as some are reporting in the news, we just need to make some serious decisions.
The first step would be to have members of congress pay for their own health care just like everyone else in the USA, get that, it would save millions upon millions of dollars.
Yet, that is not even considered, right?
WE can do this we just have to make the right decisions, we don’t need to be giving Public Radio, money, we don’t need to give Acorn money, we don’t need to give millions to organizations with a political agenda, that is not what the tax payer monies were meant to do.
I would be happy with the promises that then Senator Obama, made with regard to special interests, in Government, Lobbyists, and all manner of special wavers were issued, buy why, do we really need to have the wants of the few outweigh the needs of the many?
That is something that we all need to consider and you dont have to be on one side or the other to make the right decision.
There are wants and there are needs, we are down to what we can afford and that is the needs of the American people.
Do the right thing congress, Whitehouse, the American People are depending upon you to do the right thing.