Tag: Real World

  • should everyone get special treatment?

    Obama Care, AKA the Affordable Care Act, would seem to be some kind of thing that looks good on paper but in the real world seems to be somewhat of a non starter.   The thing here is this if and that is a very big IF, Obama care is so great then why are…

  • Who cares what the media says…

    You know there is one thing that the media has forgotten that will spell the eventual end of their power over humanity. They think that people will care or even believe a word that comes out of the producers mouth. Puppet heads that say one thing while knowing another. Fools that pretend that they are…

  • Sarah Palin is Back

    You know what the media tried to destroy a good woman, they tried but they failed, they went after her children they went after her disabled child, the liberal skum bucket press, went after her in every way, holly wood even made movies, you know what no one cared, they still love Sarah Palin why…

  • The shell Game what it means to you.

    Looking Beyond the Smoke and Mirrors. For many years street hustlers have used a little known method of manipulation and slight of hand to visually distract the audience in such a way as to create an illusion that they can pick and choose what they see and believe. The sad truth is that our Media…

  • Millions of layoffs ahead, 12 percent unemployment

    Many Large Business and CEOs Announced layoffs just days after the election results. Think about how many thousands and thousands of people who will loose their jobs this year before Christmas. That is something that you should carefully consider.  This is a news story that you will not see on regular TV… Does that concern…

  • Rick Perry for President?

    Can Rick Perry actually win a presidential race? Is Rick Perry just another politician? Can we really afford to have yet another politician in office when we really need a man or woman that is dedicated to restoring America to its former greatness? Is Rick Perry the right man for the job? In some ways…

  • The news story no one is covering?

    Raise the debt, Raise the Debt you can almost here the mythic chanting of the democrats but when will the media cover the real story here and that is a simple thing, when you have spent as much money as you can spend and you can spend no more money because you already are in…

  • Fox news gets it wrong?

    Is Fox news a problem or are they just biased like all the others so called Journalistic media of the future? The question is a valid one, is it fair and balanced or is it just a particular viewpoint? I suppose if not for Fox news there would be no real news at all (allegedly)…