should everyone get special treatment?

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Obama Care, AKA the Affordable Care Act, would seem to be some kind of thing that looks good on paper but in the real world seems to be somewhat of a non starter.

  The thing here is this if and that is a very big IF, Obama care is so great then why are so many waivers being given out, this amounts to special treatment.

Call it reverse discrimination.

  Everyone but you gets some kind of special treatment, Congress and all federal workers get 75% of the obama care insurance polities paid for by the tax payers, meaning that everyone else pays that 75% of what you will have to pay 100% of your Obama Care insurance policy.

If you add that up its 175% What, really?

You mean to tell me that the average voter will have to pay not only for their own insurance but also for the insurance of every federal employee?

So that is why the cost of insurance is going up and up and up?

Seems logical…