Tag: Care Act
where is the Affordable Care Act…
Health care, has been and will continue to be a topic that is debated and argued for years to come however the truth about the affordable health care act is that it is really difficult to find. Have you seen it? Because we would like to find it and help out a few people…
health insurance corruption
For many years the insurance industry has and will remain in a state of constant corruption. The normal situation in this industry for many many years, each state has an insurance commission however most of the time there is little oversight unless a criminal case comes up before a judge most of the time the…
Affordable Care Act or Obama Care?
You may be somewhat confused by the Media and its use of these two terms, one is law the other is not the law. You would think that Obama care were the correct and legal version of the bill that congress passed by listening to the media. The truth is nothing could be further from…
85 Million to have insurance policy cancelled
If you believe some of the reports that are being disseminated online and in the media have indicated that in fact the true number of policies cancelled may be closer to 100 Million. While the mandates and other provisions of the Affordable Care Act, have been modified and are currently being challenged in court. SCOTUS,…
Health Care Crisis the end of America
Is this the end of America and will we have the opportunity to rise above the lies that the media have been trying to make the public believe in. One thing that you need to understand, recognize and acknowledge, is that there is no Affordable Care Act, it has never been implemented, as it…
Obama Care is it Good or is it bad?
Some people say that Obama care is good other say its bad. The truth is we may never know because some are saying that the Affordable Care Act, could cause the downfall of the American Way of Life. Is Obama Care real or is it all just a scam? If it is real where…
should everyone get special treatment?
Obama Care, AKA the Affordable Care Act, would seem to be some kind of thing that looks good on paper but in the real world seems to be somewhat of a non starter. The thing here is this if and that is a very big IF, Obama care is so great then why are…
HealthCare Reform is needed
We desperately need health care reform. the truth about the health care system is that if you are unfortunate enough to have lost or not have access to health insurance and you need life saving surgery, you cannot get it at all. The affordable care act failed…
Why Obama Care cannot be voided
There is an assumption that Obama Care, AKA the Affordable Care Act, can be voided or erased. Everything changed even before the affordable care act was passed, the insurance companies saw the handwriting on the wall and they knew that in order to keep the money they have they would need to change it all…