Tag: Obama

  • Democrats Had more Flexibility

    Remember back when this image apparently shows then president Obama making a statement about flexibility. What did that mean? There are a lot of narratives on this but when it comes to how the media report things you have to wonder if they just cannot really do the right thing when it comes to reporting…

  • Partisan Politics on the Bench

    As many of you no doubt now know, democrats do not respect the law nor its origins. They believe that nothing applies to them because they are different. They are wrong… source. Let me just reiterate. We’re gonna get into this in detail, by the way.  I’m gonna share with you some of the comments…

  • WOTUS EPA Washington?

    WOTUS EPA Washington?

    When you begin to look at all the land that has been “reserved” for one use or another by the Feds, you would be not only shocked and outraged but also unbelieving. Houston we have a problem This time is serious… Folks you may not realize it but the EPA is set to designate any…

  • Impossible Liars

    Totally impossible, Just a rumor, no freezing way this is ever going to happen… Right? You know the following news item is just the most ridiculous thing we have ever heard and its really sort of insulting as well. But could this be a new sort of normal situation here in the US…

  • Continuing Resolution Joke

    It seems as if people in the Media and people in Washington DC, think that this is one big joke. Have we not learned a thing at all? We have a 1600 plus page bill that few if anyone has actually read… We have a congress that passes bills they do not read… That is…

  • Blaming Games

    It seems that some Reporters and indeed a lot of talking heads appear to still be attempting to blame Bush for everything they can think of when they have no real answer to a valid question. NBC Reporter Can’t Name ONE Country Obama Has Improved Relations With; Blames Bush Anyway source  It is amazing to…

  • Media ignores the truth about the VA

    If you want to see what good the Affordable health care act will be when the white house begins to run the health care system just look at the VA and you will have a good idea about what you will face soon.    On Sunday, Obama Chief of Staff Denis McDonough on CBS’s Face…

  • Affordable Care Act or Obama Care?

    You may be somewhat confused by the Media and its use of these two terms, one is law the other is not the law. You would think that Obama care were the correct and legal version of the bill that congress passed by listening to the media. The truth is nothing could be further from…

  • Affordable care problems

    Obama care AKA the Affordable Care Act, has been a nightmare for many people in Washington DC…  

  • Closing down the USA?

    If you watch the TV or Cable you have no doubt heard about how the shutdown of government and how the sky is going to fall, you know the same old same old you always hear from democrats when they think that something is not going their way. Perhaps you have heard this, how seniors…