Rick Perry for President?

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Can Rick Perry actually win a presidential race?

Is Rick Perry just another politician?

Can we really afford to have yet another politician in office when we really need a man or woman that is dedicated to restoring America to its former greatness?

Is Rick Perry the right man for the job?

In some ways there are some really serious questions about this man, and there are a lot of things that we just do not know. 

You could just say that any man or woman for that matter, is right for the job when so much is at issue.

However can we afford to allegedly make two mistakes in a row, there is a lot at issue the US economy, in fact you could say that even perhaps the economy of the entire world could be at issue.  The Constitution of the United States of America is perhaps one of the most important things we have that brings us together, 

 There is a lot of work to be done, to restore this nation to its once great status, however there are also some things that need to be done and need to be dealt with one of those things is Health care, we do need health care reform, but we do not need the robin hood form of health care. 

Robin hood, takes from the rich and gives to the poor, sadly that is just a story in a book in reality those that pretend to do this take from the rich and give to the unions. 

The unions never give to the poor, they just donate to political campaigns, (allegedly) 

 Why story book tales don’t really work in the real world. 

If the story book tale were real would it not be a great thing, because in the original story the rich were taking from the poor to establish their rich lifestyle, however that is not exactly what is going on now is it, no however it could be said that some of the rich have their money at the expense of those that are poor.  The main thing here is that we work in the frame work of the constitution, that is something that has worked for more than two hundred years. 

 In the real world the idea of taking from the rich by taxing them and then giving to the poor is just a story book tale it sounds good but in reality it has not worked, just think about what has happened over the last three years.  Think about it real hard, what about the teachers that lost all their investments in the car companies that never repaid the money nor repaid the money that the public used to bail them out, yet they want us to buy their cars?

Right like that is something that you want to do?

So again, how can we know for sure, how we can make the right choice for president in the 2012 election?

we know very little about Rick Perry, and one thing we do not know is how he stands on the Constitution, because he used to be a Democrat then switched to Republican to get elected, but what about the Constitution, What about the First Amendment, What about the Second Amendment?

Who will be the next president?

A short time ago one of the big supporters of freedom in America sent a questionnaire, to Candidate for president Rick Perry about where he stands on the Second amendment, which is supported by most Americans, the problem is that we do not know where we stand with this candidate, because Candidate Rick Perry, refused to answer or even pick up the questionnaire, so in reality Rick Perry may not be the Candidate that everyone hopes that he is, because sometimes when we have hope for the future we may not look too hard at where that hope comes from. 

The thing is that we must be sure, because America cannot afford to make another mistake. 

One thing remains clear, we cannot make another mistake if America is to survive, we must do the right thing at the right time for the right reasons, anything less and we do those that gave their lives to protect the freedom of this nation a great dis service.