Tag: Much Money

  • Laughing at Liberals

    You know you have to just laugh at some of the antics you see on Fox news. The other day there was a bobble head on there talking about how bad it would be for the Republicans if they stood their ground on spending too much money without having that money in the treasury. Now…

  • The news story no one is covering?

    Raise the debt, Raise the Debt you can almost here the mythic chanting of the democrats but when will the media cover the real story here and that is a simple thing, when you have spent as much money as you can spend and you can spend no more money because you already are in…

  • FEAR Mongering?

    Will the US default on its debt? Will there be no money for the Old folks, the disabled, the blind, those with terminal illnesses. The weakest in our society?  The most venerable, in other societies, are often held with a kindness and a love, for their contribution to society. That does not seem to be…

  • Casey Anthony not guilty

    Did the State of Florida over step its bounds? Why did the State of Florida choose to try to prove Murder when they could have proved, other things that would have kept her behind bars for a long time, why did they not see what was so obvious to everyone else? They wanted to take…

  • Gingrich, cannot win

    Newt may be a smart man, but apparently he is not smart enough to realize that his desire to rule, will likely leave him broke with no votes. NO way to win… The following headline appears in the Christen Science monitor, (which is sort of a misnomer in itself) Has Newt Gingrich been on TV…