Did the State of Florida over step its bounds?
Why did the State of Florida choose to try to prove Murder when they could have proved, other things that would have kept her behind bars for a long time, why did they not see what was so obvious to everyone else?
They wanted to take the life of this defendant, but they did not have the evidence simply because there was no evidence, which is something to consider when you think about it, either this girl was some matermind, or she was a drug addled, party girl, which one is it?
Spurred on by the media and their allegedly spittle frothing at the mouth bobble headed idiots, the public has been inundated, with negative coverage of this trial, call it bias, call it just being nasty, but not matter what you say, this case has not been reported correctly or allegedly fairly.
This was a waste of the Tax payers money and the District Attorney should be fired.
Why did the State of Florida do this and why did they waste so much money?
Capitol Murder
Not Guilty
Aggravated Manslaughter,
Not Guilty.
Aggravated Child abuse
Not Guilty.
Lying to police