Tag: Democrat
Runoff in Mississippi
Too Close to call in Mississippi.
Ted Cruz?
This is the guy that the liberals love to hate, but why is that exactly… Amazing stuff Tea Party Senator Ted Cruz spoke at length about the state of America at the Family Leadership Summit in Iowa on Saturday. Discussing a wide range of issues, the Texas senator, who has stood firm in a Democrat-controlled…
Democrats try to play mislead the nation?
So, were starting to see the Media play a game called split the Republican party, the thing is most people already know that the media are biased and for the most part just plain stupid. But usually you do not see people like Bill orielly try to play bully with the republican party, tonight he…
Republician or Democrat or perhaps
Something new… When you think about how crazy things are getting lately you sort of thing you know what the democrats are just ignoring everyone or outright lying about everything. The Republicans are the same way, its a corrupt mess. The independents, just another variant of the same worm that lives deep in the heart…
harry reid once again tries to dismantle constitution?
What is wrong with a man that cannot understand the words that were meant to protect the people from ignorance? You look at these things and you wonder how its possible that people like harry reid are in the Senate at all… Have a look at this video, you see this is not only about…
Pat Toomey Republican or Democrat you decide…
This Video is an interesting read on what is happening all over the US… Are they really going to keep supporting an unconstitutional event? Most elected officials spent their July 4th walking in parades and waving to crowds. Shaking hands, smiling and posing for pictures. You know the drill But for nearly twenty U.S.…
immigration bill taking on water…
Well we now have the age old protracted battle of will here and we also have an election coming up very soon… The commercials are already in play for 2014, so what to do about the immigration battle that looms in the house. Well we know that anything that comes out of the stinking senate,…
Fools in charge
Senate Intelligence Committee chair Dianne Feinstein, a Democrat seems to think that dishonesty is something that is ok… The thing is it is not ok and this woman is an example of why and what is wrong with America. We need to stop electing people like this, just look at this woman and you will…
democrat scandals and Media liars
You may not hear about the scandals that happen when it effects a democrat, but this kind of one sided news is what is causing a rush to the internet for most information consumers, they can get a more balanced approach with internet news. What is interesting here is that so many people seem to…