The handwriting is on the wall now, and if congress and the White-house do not take some action to get a flat tax in place, a capitol gains holiday to those individuals that hire and start a new business, (creating more jobs) then the stock market will crash to what some are predicting will be around 8000 or slightly more.
It is very distressing and this is not on Bush this is on this administration, Green Span needs to come out of retirement, the treasurer, needs to resign, we need change and real hope not fake hope based on promises that were never kept.
This is on the Whitehouse and that is the fact of the matter.
We need the following from our congress and the White house.
1. Flat Tax
2. Balanced Budget Amendment
(now not later not next year not next month now)
3. Capitol Gains Tax holiday for business hiring
and bringing money back into the US and providing
jobs for at least 6 months.
This is not rocket science people, get it together and get it together now.
This is not acceptable and we must have progress that is in line with the will of the American People.
America has had a AAA credit rating since 1913 and it did not happen until 2011, so you cant blame bush or katrina.
It is time to do the right thing for the American people we need our congress to do the right thing and pass the right bills so that American can get back to the business of what we do best, and that is innovation and creative solutions to complex problems.
This is not what America is all about, The treasurer should resign right now and the FED chairman need to resign as well.
Look for serious trouble come Monday, some are saying it could go as low as 7900 but its really anyone’s guess.
The fact is that congress had the chance to act, and you know who is to blame for this mess.
Harry Reid, he is the one that refused to pass the right bills that would have stopped this insanity, thanks Harry, by the way did you get out of the stock market early?