Tag: bush

  • What About Bush?

    Over the last few weeks the 2016 presidential race has been heating up… You know that the Media are getting ready for BUSH… They hates him….    LOL… Its really comical right? A little… The thing is why Is the Media Picking a side? Think about that for a moment… Why are they so intent…

  • Can Rand Win?

    There is a road that one takes when thinking of becoming the president and it is a road that few men have actually managed to find. This nation is at a juncture, one that for many could mean good or bad. We have a lack of leadership. . . We have a lot of serious…

  • Blaming Games

    It seems that some Reporters and indeed a lot of talking heads appear to still be attempting to blame Bush for everything they can think of when they have no real answer to a valid question. NBC Reporter Can’t Name ONE Country Obama Has Improved Relations With; Blames Bush Anyway source  It is amazing to…

  • tea party too radical?

    Is the tea party getting too radical? The thought sort of crosses your mind, you agree with some of the things they are saying but are they really starting to go too far. Sure the Affordable Care act is a nightmare that has to be fixed or it must be repealed, foreign policy is what…

  • As I do not as I say I do?

    Are you confused by the way politicians attempt to distort the facts with Spin? You know the old peanuts, cartoons, where Lucy pulls the foot ball back every time that is what were seeing over and over again, the thing here is are the republicans really that stupid? What we see is the left leaning…

  • Fire Karl Rove?

    You might be thinking that perhaps Karl Rove who was once considered to be one of the smartest guys in the room, perhaps needs to retire.  You might be right.  There was a time when Karl Rove was on top of the world.  Having thumped John Kerry, he became the darling of the Republican establishment…

  • Double Standards Media complicit?

    History is a tool that the media may use to examine its usefulness however it appears that they are unable to do that even most basic and noble occupation.  Spin is in apparently where the media are concerned, in fact in order to be in the media these days you probably must fail a disparity…

  • irene obamas katrina?

    Slow response? People Stranded? Sound familiar? Is Irene Obamas Katrina? That is a good question, because as of this AM, New Jersey, is waiting for help, from the Pen of President Obama, could there be a political bias at work here, just as many asked President Bush about why it took so long to do…

  • The intent of the heart

    When you think about the dream that has sustained a nation for more than 200 years, you have to consider that men have fought and died, for that freedom… When you begin to imagine the future of America it is hard to think about what you see in the stock markets today as something that…

  • Obama game plan Blame everyone but us?

    Wow, it was amazing to see that we have a president that is not capable of leading this nation, So the president came out and blamed, congress, blamed, bush, blamed, the tea party, blamed, the S & P, Blamed, really everyone but the one that is really responsible. Amazing, so what are we going to…