Tag: Tax Holiday

  • democrats

    White House may be attempting to disrupt the 2012 election, that could be a big issue for demorats. Now you know that tricks are for kids and this is not Halloween, at least not yet, so what is up with this acting like children, you know what this kind of stuff is just dumb, sorry…

  • NFL or President Obama?

    Well you might be wondering about this, subject, and yes, it is something of interest, however, over all those people that are interested in watching the first NFL football game, will really not be that interested in watching a speech anyway. So really all in all, I don’t really see a problem. If the speech…

  • Stock market Crash?

    Are we watching the Beginning of a second great depression and is there anything that can be done to prevent it? We could be about to witness what few people have seen in many years, a second great depression. But have we not learned from our past mistakes?   Perhaps there is a path to…

  • US Credit Rating now AA

    The handwriting is on the wall now, and if congress and the White-house do not take some action to get a flat tax in place, a capitol gains holiday to those individuals that hire and start a new business, (creating more jobs)  then the stock market will crash to what some are predicting will be…

  • blame the republicians?

    Well guess what the media is blaming the republicans, for the debt deal issue, and you know what they will be blamed no matter what happens, if they vote for a bill they will be blamed, if they vote against a bill they will get blamed, because the media has not been reporting the actual…