Are we watching the Beginning of a second great depression and is there anything that can be done to prevent it?
We could be about to witness what few people have seen in many years, a second great depression.
But have we not learned from our past mistakes?
Perhaps there is a path to avoid this nightmare that is unfolding right in front of our eyes.
The only thing that could help this issue right now is if, the Senate would pass the Cut Cap and Balance deal along with a Flat Tax provision, and a capitol gains tax holiday for new business producers, on flat tax, 15 percent for everyone living 200 percent above the poverty line, 20 percent for all corporations with sales above $250,000.00 the details could be ironed out, later, what we need now is action.
If they do this disaster will be averted, if they do not then we are facing a second great depression.
Support Cut Cap Balance, and Flat Tax.