Tag: Crash

  • Stock market Crash?

    Will the stock market crash again? When you see the media telling you to just stay put… When you see the talking heads saying things like.  “Your in this for the long haul, this is just a temporary thing…” What ever you do don’t panic and sell it off… WE know that when the media…

  • stock market Crash?

    There are a lot of people who are very concerned with the possibility that the stock market might one day crash. This is not only a possibility to some people but a reality that will happen in the minds of some, this is something that will happen regardless of what we think, say or do.…

  • Stock market Crash?

    Are we watching the Beginning of a second great depression and is there anything that can be done to prevent it? We could be about to witness what few people have seen in many years, a second great depression. But have we not learned from our past mistakes?   Perhaps there is a path to…

  • Stock market crashing?

    Will the Stock market again Crash in the morning or will we find that the damage is already done? The truth is that this is all very unpredictable, but the one thing that we need to understand here is that this entire thing could have been prevented. Will we face a bull market?

  • debt crisis?

    Are we only a short few months from financial ruin? Will we see another Great Depression? What was so great about the last depression? The Great Depression lasted from 1929 to 1941, a total of 12 years. Almost 50 percent of all the children in the US did not have enough food or even a…

  • The end of prosperity

    Is this the end of American Prosperity? Will Barack hussein Obama be the last American President? Is this the hope and the change that you wanted? The Great Depression lasted from 1929 to 1941, a total of 12 years. Almost 50 percent of all the children in the US did not have enough food or…