Is Bill really as moderate as he claims to be?
It would seem that the spin stops here slogan has over the last few weeks, been more of a the spin starts here.
Is Bill still the no spin zone, or is he letting everyone slide these days, is bill mellowing out, because this does not seem to be the no spin zone, anymore, when Juan Williams, can say that the earth is flat and bill says nothing, you just have to wonder, I mean really what is up…
Is fox just as bad as the other networks…
I like fox news, for the most part they at least try to tell the story, unlike some other media outlets, that do not tell the truth but allegedly tell lies all day long, in fact were a real disaster facing us, you would hear about it last on these other networks, they are for the most part liars, they do not report the news, they report by emotional digression.
This is not news, it is entertainment, and debauchery, (allegedly)
The thing is I caught Fox news doing the same thing and I find it disturbing, slanting the news is not OK, I do not care if you are a republican, or a democrat, spinning the news, (modern term which is the same as slanted news) which used to be a bad thing, back in the days of yore, when journalists were not entertainment oriented or beholding to the administration they were supposed to be reporting on, as with so many reporters who are now working at the white house, this is not right and would never have happened, back in the 60s or even 70s, reporting is not spinning the news, as we so often see on ALL the networks, even the vaunted, fair and balanced fox news.
Most of the time Fox news is better than any other network, but the other day I saw a video that was taken out of context, showing president obama, making a remark about BP, but it did not tell the context of his statement.
Now that was just wrong, it was not fair nor was it balanced, it was presented, in such a way as to appear to be one way when in fact it was something completely different.
Now this is not to say that, they do this all the time, but it is done and that is a problem, the news should not have to be fair and balanced, it should be the truth, but we are after all human, however, it is apparent that we need to examine the need to be fair and balanced, because our reporting should not be unbalanced, yet it is in many cases, or we would not need fox news at all.
It is a fact that we need balance, because we are not getting it in most of the news coverage today, that is far more disturbing than watching a new story that is slanted, when you see what amounts to lies all day long and a failure to cover the news along with a biased presentation to the extreme, that is worse by far.
We seem to be moving farther away from reporting and more and more toward entertainment, this is not only a mistake but a shame on those that went before…
I know that it is only human to hold opinions, however, it is not right to lie to the american people.