Tag: Spinning

  • bill orielly spin?

    Apparently, Bill orielly is not happy about the way that the Casey Anthony trial went. that the State of Florida failed to prove in the Casey Anthony Death and Murder trial. Why is that? Is Bill a pinhead? I have to ask because it almost seems as if he is obsessed about this issue, and…

  • Did fox news tell the real story?

    Is Bill really as moderate as he claims to be? It would seem that the spin stops here slogan has over the last few weeks, been more of a the spin starts here. Is Bill still the no spin zone, or is he letting everyone slide these days, is bill mellowing out, because this does…

  • oil spill slick

    Just have to ask after more than 30 days, where is the help, good old boy boob I mean, bob beckel said they were there from day one, on fox news yesterday, but were they really? Seems to be good ol boy bob the smeckel beckel just does not seem to get that the world…