Tag: News Fox

  • Media Magic or Media Evil

    You so often see this ignorance in the Media where they attempt to influence your thinking much like the famous scene from the Star Wars Movies where the weak minded were basically controlled by words and the Force of Course.   So why do they do this, is it because they truly think that people…

  • Chris Wallance Biased comments…

    We know that many news outlets attempt to present a viable and reliable news presentation, Fox makes much about the fair and balanced approach, however is that really accurate? Today we watched Chris Wallace make a statement before introducing a video of the George Zimmerman reaction to the verdict. Bias can take many forms and…

  • liberal fox news comentators, suggest that only ohio matters?

    This morning a certain blond fox news commentator, (bobble head) made the suggestion that only Ohio matters in regard to the presidential election, how stupid is that?  So, what should we do cancel the elections for all the other states? Is it reasonable to believe that only one state matters in an election? The ignorant…

  • Fox news Spin

    Is fox new Fair and Balanced or are they just like all the other media companies that tend to spin spin spin, here is a prime example how allegedly stupid these Fox news people actually are. Headline, New claims for unemployment benefits rose to 401,000 from 395,000 the week before. Economists had been expecting a…

  • Liberals on Fox news

    Fox news does not like this kind of stuff because it exposes what they allegedly really are.

  • fox news unfair?

    Has fox news lost its way? It would seem so because in 2000 Fox news became more popular because they were covering the news, that sadly has changed, over time it appears that Fox news may have actually shifted to the left. Which could be one reason why Glen Beck felt that he needed to…

  • Fox news biased projections

    What is fox news doing? Are they trying to influence viewers opinions on Rick Perry? What are they thinking?   Do they think that they are smarter than most television viewers? Do they think that they are better at thinking than anyone else? What do they think?   Do they think at all? These are…

  • fox news bias on politics?

    Is fox news being unfair and unbalanced when covering politics? The question is a valid one, in coverage today over the period of one half hour, Fox news ran negative segments about Presidential Candidate Rick Perry, why did they do that? The brought in Karl Rove and allegedly tried to cast a negative light on…

  • Fox news liars?

    Is fox news lying to the American people on purpose or are they allegedly just that stupid? I am really curious about this because it is something that effects everyone. The news story on the Debt Crisis, it is not hard to figure out at all, cut out wasteful spending, and yes, we need a…

  • Fox news pandering to haters?

    Is fox news a Hater? You see several of the Bobble heads, that have commented over the last few days, have indicated an over all bias in the matter of the Casey Anthony Trial, many of these bobble heads have little or no experience in matters of the law, but have no trouble making allegedly…