Is fox news a Hater?
You see several of the Bobble heads, that have commented over the last few days, have indicated an over all bias in the matter of the Casey Anthony Trial, many of these bobble heads have little or no experience in matters of the law, but have no trouble making allegedly hate filled statements.
Should these Bobble heads be charged with a crime should some harm come to Casey Anthony, I certainly hope that she has enough body guards, because at the rate that Fox news is allegedly spewing hatred we could see violence and more so when popular media figures begin to make accusations, and negative statements you have to wonder about the possibility that a person could be innocent.
Back several years ago the media made statements that ended up allegedly helping to convict a man who years later turned out to be innocent of the charges preferred against him, the media jumped all over it talking about how horrible this man was, they made all kinds of stupid statements.
They said things they could not prove, they made allegations, they could not prove, however, no one stood up for this poor man because the media was so sure that he was guilty.
It turned out years later that the man was actually innocent and that DNA evidence was developed that exonerated the man, who had spent 20 years in prison in part due to the media that was just so sure that the man was guilty they never even considered that the man might be innocent.
The legal system should be based on the premise that the accused is innocent until proven guilty however that just is not the case, once a man or a woman has been accused, most of the time they never fully recover, which means that no matter what comes out later to clear a persons name they will forever be known as guilty usually this is pronounced by the media.
The problem with this issue is that it circumvents the will of the people.
The media have no right to influence the public perception however that is what Fox news and to be fair most of the other networks as well, have all openly engaged, in negative speculation never once being fair and balanced, such as Fox news claims to be.
Even Bill orielly, the so called Spin ends here King of the after noon market, was allegedly unable to keep an open mind, and he claims that the spin stops here, however there was only one spin in this case and it was neither fair nor balanced.
The truth here is that the State of Florida charged the case incorrectly this was a mistake, they paid for that mistake.
They should have charged the case correctly, accidental death, they could have proven easily, Casey Anthony might now be enjoying the charming company of many inmates for 12 to 25 years, however the state sought the life of this defendant without cause.
Now that is one view, obviously the media is angry because the girl was not to be put to death, that is saying some really nasty stuff about human behavior, but do we not have the duty to have an open mind?
Because what Bill was doing the other evening was nothing but spin, so I have no respect for him or his values, because the spin obviously did not stop it started with him, shame on you bill, sometimes opinion can be more than what the people need to hear.