Fox news liars?

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Is fox news lying to the American people on purpose or are they allegedly just that stupid?

I am really curious about this because it is something that effects everyone.

The news story on the Debt Crisis, it is not hard to figure out at all, cut out wasteful spending, and yes, we need a balanced budget amendment, because apparently congress and the senate are unable to control the out of control spending.

There is a way to manage this issue without old folks starving to death and if you really believe the scare tactics, of those idiots standing up there then you deserve what you voted for, you deserve the hope and the hopelessness you get in change.

But what part does the media play in this fiasco?

Think about that for a moment, today we had three big headlines all from Fox news, (allegedly)

Deceptive Headline number one.

Weekly Job claims Fall.

Really, there were more than 400 thousand new job losses, and you say that because it was less than expected, that is a win?

Really, that is the news that fox news is going with, you know what that is just plain stupidity, people are not that dumb why should fox news producers be?  think about that.

Deceptive Headline number two.

Prices at the wholesale level fell by 0.4% in June according to Fox news, but is that accurate and is that really a true story?

have a look at the price of pork and ground beef and other meats, and you will see that in fact we have seen a 12 to 30 percent increase, (allegedly) look at grain prices, see how much higher they are, so in fact is this headline accurate or is it deceptive, you decide.

Deceptive Headline number three

The Commerce Department reports retail sales rose by 0.1% in June Amazing number people, you should be dancing in the streets, if you can afford to do that, I have to ask myself are the producers at Fox news smoking crack in the control booth?  Seriously, what kind of drugs are those bozos on, because if you look at these three headlines you might think for a half second that things are going great.

But is that really accurate and what makes Fox news think that people really believe the garbage they are putting out these days, allegedly this is more like propaganda than news.

Is fox news a real new channel or are they deceptive entertainment that should not be given the right to broadcast its deception?

You have to wonder about what is going on with those clowns in the fox news booth because something is very wrong over there.