Tag: OK
Ground Zero Anger
Will this be the final straw that causes the liberals to loose the 2010 election? So its OK, to advocate for one religion over another, but is it really constitutional, what about separation of church and state, should the president really be coming out supporting a religion? If we have one man that will “reach…
Did fox news tell the real story?
Is Bill really as moderate as he claims to be? It would seem that the spin stops here slogan has over the last few weeks, been more of a the spin starts here. Is Bill still the no spin zone, or is he letting everyone slide these days, is bill mellowing out, because this does…
blumenthal the truth behind the lies
Jokes politics and immaturity… One thing on this story is disturbing, well OK perhaps more than one thing, it is disturbing that there may be people serving in our state government that are not only immature, but have problems with the truth, ok, yes, ok, so what is new about that, well for one thing,…