So what up Chuckie boy…
Ol, chucky boy, still at it again, will the guy never learn how to keep his allegedly large mouth shut?
Just have to ask because it is interesting, to watch the things that they say and to listen to the things that come out of their mouths, they are alleged lies, why is what they say and what they mean are so often two different things.
Two votes to save the economy were voted down today, by the democrats, guess what the democrats, said, it was someone Else’s fault, they blame the things they do allegedly on other people.
What amazes me is that they have the Gaul, to get in front of a camera and tell lies, to people, and what is even more amazing is that they think that we are so stupid that we cant figure out the lie.
They think that we are so dumb that we cant figure out that they are the ones that are blocking a vote.
It is them, yes, it is the Chuck, Schumer’s of this world that are alleged, liars, to me it is amazing, that they think so little of what they have been given that they would think that we are not as smart as they are, because we are as smart as they are, we are smart enough to figure out when we are being lied to.
It is really as easy as knowing that it is the democrats that have been in charge of the senate and the hour and the white house for the last two years, and it is the democrats that have been in charge of the senate and the house for the last six years.
Yes, you hear it correctly, the democrats have been in charge of the house and the senate for the last six years, and they think that we are so stupid that we cannot add four plus two and get six.
To me that is the most insulting thing, they say that republicans are at fault but they are the ones that are in charge.
What is even funnier, is that when the republicans take over the house in January, the democrats will still blame everything on the republicans.