Polls can you ever really be sure that they are even scientific at all?
Subjective data can never be trusted as valid?
When you think about it, what they are doing is rife for subjective analysis, it reeks in many ways of impure science that is often portrayed by the media as some kind of holy grail of political correctness when in reality it is hardly accurate at all.
We see polls here and Polls there, one poll contradicts another, and no one ever seems to cover the disparity…
We are always see these polls being presented by the media as some kind of predictive method that is so right that they have to design a mathematical plus or minus sign next to the figures they “come up with” the thing is are these “polls accurate at all”
Are polls biased?
This morning some poll or another, was released, that showed, that a certain percent of a certain percent, of some people that might vote or might not vote in the next election, have some kind of negative view of the tea party.
How do they come up with those figures, are those methods really reliable?
Scientific analysis, or scientific sampling, is a process where you attempt to “sample” a group of Americans, (some of which might or might not be here legally) and you try to get some kind of information from them, however, where do they live and do they live in a particular area where one viewpoint might be held over another, and is that process fair?
The idea that someone who wanted to project a particular method they know would get the result they wanted, is really a little suspect. When you look at that situation it is fraught with dangers, in subjective analysis, that process is not really scientific, the numbers they come up with may be scientific, but the process and the method they use, may not be subjective at all. So when you see it on TV, and they say this is the latest poll, what are they really saying? This might be very subjective, it might even be biased, (allegedly) it might not be really even accurate at all?
Are they saying that the stature of liberty was really made by aliens from outer space? Are they saying that the Ghost busters, are going to be repairing the statue of liberty? Are they saying that in some universe that we are yet unaware of that the social ramifications of Goldilocks and the three bears is somehow a topic of interest to some strange alter ego? Sounds crazy right, like some kind of yellow journalism or some kind of strange tabloid headline. The funny thing here is that you could get some kind of poll numbers on any of those strange subjects, above, are they really important at all? Not really, simply the thing here is that polls do not really reflect the American public, because the sampling is too low and it is not widely dispersed, and it is not done in an objective manner.
Yet, you see this morning on the Today show, a tag line saying “allegedly” Tea party, the politics of Anger? This is the kind of biased journalism that many have come to expect what would those people do if somehow CNN started actually reporting the news what would happen then? Would pigs fly? Perhaps, because that may be what it takes to get some of these allegedly very biased news or entertainment companies to do the right thing and start reporting again…
Until then hope you find a better method of getting your news, or you could just get it here, you will not find any yellow journalism here….