Tag: tv

  • Press and Media failed

    The press and the media failed in their attempt to suppress the voter turn out. They tried and tried and even as early as this morning they were still trying to subvert the will of the American People. Voting… This morning they were “Predicting” that all the votes cast this morning were going to Hillary?…

  • Media Exposed Faking Election

    There is a report out that clearly shows something a little crazy. Though in this election the definition of crazy has to sort of change, the truth here is that we have a news media that are intent on changing the will of the people. The seriously appear to be so intent on not only…

  • Benghazi the truth and the lies…

    You can see just how difficult it is with regard to having the media just lie and lie and spin to protect the democrats. Never forget about Behghazi ? Faulty Memory? Yet again we see over and over again how biased the media are about stories that they do not want you to see. Have…

  • The modern news machine

    Where is the news cycle heading, we have this 24 hour news cycle now and that cycles every 15 minutes, which really means that they believe that most people only watch the news in an increment of 15 minutes. That may well be close to being true however what about the hundreds of thousands of…

  • Media bias the truth about the lies

    The Media have steadily engaged in bias over the last several election cycles, the people of America know this to be the truth. The Media laugh and cackle while they dismiss anyone who exposes their hypocrisy. The greatest problem the media have is that the American People are awake.

  • Hillary loosing badly?

    Is the Hillary Clinton Campaign in serious trouble with the voting public? That would be what you might infer with all of the interference by the media that we have been seeing. This year has been the most troubling political cycle in many years and you watch as the Media are complicit, in hiding the…

  • Clinton Ca$h the movie??

    There is a movie out online and it is called clinton cash… It seems impossible that something like this could be happening… Is it really true? Is it a Vast Right Wing Conspiracy? The truth may be surprising…

  • Corrupt Media Lie about first debate

    Can you image a world where the media were honest enough to tell the truth? Sounds difficult to understand right? The truth about what the media are doing with these so called debates is the sad legacy that reminds us of what the truth really is. We look at what happened last night and we…

  • Hillary Clinton’s New Ad is Sickening…

    Negative impossible Ad… I watched an advertisement which was sickening in the way it was used and also what it really says about what Hillary Clinton thinks about you and your mentality. They show terrible things chosen to create an idea that her competition Donald Trump is silly. There is a real problem because you…

  • Trump and the Media..

    You might think that the media are in love with Trump, but is that true?     Some readers might think thats crazy is the writer being facetious? Yes the writer is being facetious… source…         It is possible that there are some in the media that Do like him but many…