Tag: Poll

  • Poll numbers drop for Hillary

    In recent news for the past few weeks Hillary has seen a steady decrease in poll numbers along with some seriously bad poll questions.

  • skewed polls more bad math?

    Are we seeing more bad math in the assumption of many polls that show an unrealistic lead for the democratic candidate with many news companies reporting this as fact when it might not be could it be further proof that the media may not be trustworthy. If you believe the media there is no real…

  • Election news why polls mean nothing

    You see polls and you see election results they hardly ever work together to produce a meaningful result. You may think that they do because the media tends to play games with the news coverage. The thing is people are all different they change things change everything changes, so in reality polls mean nothing at…

  • Americans say the only polls they care about start on Nov 6th

    There was a popular Polling company that ran a poll about what people think about polls, it was funny in a way because it confirmed what how most people feel about Polls, the thing about polls is that they are by nature subjective simply because the company running the poll are in a bad position…

  • Fast and Furious an American Scandal

    You know in times past we did things as a nation that were not always the best thing to do, in retrospect we can see that sometimes ignorant things happen however also in the past those men who made those ignorant mistakes would resign or even perhaps end up being prosecuted. That has not happened…

  • to debate or not to debate?

    That is the question… The media would have you believe that the most important qualification for political office is the ability to debate on Television. The truth is far from that and as usual the media have managed to at leastattempt to convince most of the viewing public that debating is the numberone consideration in…

  • Polls are they accurate?

    Polls can you ever really be sure that they are even scientific at all? Subjective data can never be trusted as valid? When you think about it, what they are doing is rife for subjective analysis, it reeks in many ways of impure science that is often portrayed by the media as some kind of…

  • Fox news not real news?

    Is fox news failing to meet the expectation of the consumer of hard news? The idea that the 24 hour news cycle and its expected influence on voting habits of adult voters, is highly unlikely. Today we noticed that during a fox news segment, that one of the bobble heads that do the news, either…

  • Bill oreilly insults Republicians, Sarah Palin and Pot smokers…

    You know what, Ol Bill is just not the same… Lying with wolves, or should that be dancing with wolves, or wait, its a tree, no its a plane no its super man, ok, yes, we all know this is a joke right, but you know it really seems like Bill is no longer a…