Tag: Funny Thing

  • Is Debbie Wasserman a Liar?

    This is a news story that you will not hear on many radio shows or even TV shows, but are you not tired and sick unto death of Liars? Well here is proof, that you cannot tell a lie and get away with it yet for some reason people think its ok to lie about…

  • Polls are they accurate?

    Polls can you ever really be sure that they are even scientific at all? Subjective data can never be trusted as valid? When you think about it, what they are doing is rife for subjective analysis, it reeks in many ways of impure science that is often portrayed by the media as some kind of…

  • bipartisian jokers

    White House to Congress Pass “Bipartisan” Jobs Plan, or else? But does the White House really know what the word even means? The funny thing in this story may be the joker in the Deck… Compromise is one thing, however when circumstances are dire as they are now, we cannot afford to make mistakes.  …

  • Wisconsin Recount begins?

    This is really sad and well stupid, now in an effort to try and figure out how certain “rogue Union” elements in Wisconsin may try to overturn the duly elected government of a Sovereign State, with all the legal rights afforded them by the constitution.  We now see that when they thought they had won,…

  • More hope and more change or just the same old thing?

    For 50 years, the Democrats have been telling the old folks, you know senior citizens that one day the Evil Republicans would one day cut their social security checks, but guess what it has happened two times and the democrats were in the White house, not the republicans. Do not fall for the same old…

  • 2012

    Health care repeal. A lot was accomplished in the mid term elections and politically things are beginning to heat up. Candidates are beginning to move into position to begin the long hard drive to win a nomination. This is sure to be an amazing and historic event, there are many indications that politically Washington may…

  • How the FCC could shut down Fox news?

    Will Fox Fall to the Trap setup by the liberals in Washington? We ask this question not because we really think that fox news is this stupid, but because we think that fox news may have producers that are that stupid. Will Fox news be so ignorant as to fall for this trap? So you…

  • gov. sarah palin

    Drive a liberal crazy… Make a liberal mad, vote for Sarah Palin, and you can be sure that you will be doing the universe a good deed. You know this really makes them crazy, but you know something Sarah Palin is a really nice lady. Drive them insane, mention Sarah Palin, Is this the Liberals…