This is really sad and well stupid, now in an effort to try and figure out how certain “rogue Union” elements in Wisconsin may try to overturn the duly elected government of a Sovereign State, with all the legal rights afforded them by the constitution. We now see that when they thought they had won, because the media
(funny thing about that, I cant remember anything in the constitution that the media are in charge of an election)
An early miscount in totals was reported to the media, later it was corrected, media said that a win is a win, and that the media sponsored puppet would win by 200 votes, under a recount as many alleged votes as they could add to her total to make sound convincing. The problem is that legally in Wisconsin this is not permitted, sorry Charlie, but you lost.
the media is now mad, so they are pushing this story.
Source Tea party Express
You’re not going to believe this. Failed Democrat Kloppenburg, the Union puppet that just lost her bid for State Supreme Court, has announced that she is demanding a full RECOUNT of the votes, and is forcing that the taxpayers of Wisconsin pay for it.
The Tea Party Express and many local tea party chapters fought hard to protect the Wisconsin court system from an activist judge like Kloppenburg, even though the Left spent millions of dollars attacking and vilifying her conservative opponent.
There can be no doubt in anyone’s mind what this means. The politically entrenched union bosses are outraged that the people of Wisconsin saw through their agenda to elect a puppet judge. Undeterred, they are going to force a recount of the votes, given them an opportunity for more dirty tricks and fraud. In fact, the Kloppenburg campaign has already hired Al Franken’s team of recount lawyers – the same guys that made sure votes were recounted again and again until Al Franken won!
In a statement today, Kloppenburg sent a clear message that her team is going to attempt to mysteriously “find” votes for her, when she said, “There was a perception of under votes in other parts of the state, including Milwaukee.” What Kloppenburg is REALLY saying here, is don’t be surprised if a suitcase full of uncounted votes suddenly shows up.
The left is setting the stage to subvert the will of the people and the state election process. This corruption and insider deal making is exactly what the tea party is fighting against. The good news is, we at Tea Party Express have seen this before, and we will not allow it to happen – not on our watch. We’ll do whatever it takes to make certain the recount is fair, accurate, and transparent. But we can’t do it without your help.
Please, make the most generous contribution you can afford to the Tea Party Express.