Do you believe the truth, then you know that no matter what the media say that the first COLA cut, occurred while Democrats were in power, back in 2009 then again in 2010, now for a third time in a row, for the first time allegedly since the inception of the program Senior Citizens face a third cut in benefits, and guess what it was not the republicans, it was not the independents.
It was the Democrats that cut senior citizens, if you think this does not effect you when was the last time you checked in on your grand parents, (how well are they eating?)
How long with the democrats lie to you?
Will we continue in the old ways, lost to the truth?
Will we find the truth is a lie…
Caution you may have been lied to for years by liberal democrats.
Are you sick and tired of Liars?
Are you tired of all the perversion and injustice of liberals?
For the past 50 years the American people have allegedly been lied to by the democrats, the favorite battle cry of the democrat is that the republicans are going to cut social security checks, and that they are going to cut out all medical care, allegedly republicans are at the bottom of all the problems that everyone in America has ever had from the days of the constitution to present.
They even blamed a republican for a hurricane that hit the Gulf States.
The thing is that this is a lie.
The fact is that for the first time since the 70s two years in a row social security has been cut, and you know who was in charge of it?
You know what they said was the reason why they cut the old peoples checks?
They said there was no inflation so there was no need for a cost of living increase.
You know I sure hope that there really are no people out there that believe that trash because they are counting on you to vote them back into office, are you one of those people who are true believers?
Do you believe the 50 year old lies?
They think that you are dumb, they think that you are not smart enough to figure out that they really do not care about you at all, they think that they are going to put you on a bus and you will vote the way they tell you to vote.
Are you that dumb?
Sure hope not, this year make a difference, this year vote those democrats out of office and vote out any republican that supports a raise in the debt ceiling while cutting the checks of senior citizens.