Tag: Injustice
Injustice of the Powerful
In Life seldom have we seen fairness defined and delivered to those that often become the victims of the rich and powerful. It has been said that the rich become richer and the poor become poorer. Some would say that the poor can never rise above their station in life. However we have many that…
The court of public opinion
First there was the Duke Case, then several other cases where charges were filed that should not have been filed. So what is up with this nonsense. Are we watching the end of the legal system in America, some say that eventually we might see all cases tried in the media, apparently with this casey…
The lies of the left
When the will of the people is usurped, when the rights of the few outweigh the rights of the many we face certain injustice and insecurity by way of a dictatorship agenda that cannot be allowed to stand, it is the will of good men that must be sought not the will of the few.
Fire in Tennessee
Just a reminder, this is the worst place in the entire united states to live, one where you dont want to be… If this is the way that people in Tennessee, are, I sure dont want to live there, but to be fair, I really do not think that people in this state are like…