Tag: corrupt washington

  • New debt deal lie?

    Have we been lied to yet again? The politicians may have done what they do best, play a game of kick the can, paint a fence white with cheap paint and call it a $40 dollar hammer. But what really seems to be salt in the wound is the media.   You know after a…

  • 50 years of lies?

    Do you believe the truth, then you know that no matter what the media say that the first COLA cut, occurred while Democrats were in power, back in 2009 then again in 2010, now for a third time in a row, for the first time allegedly since the inception of the program Senior Citizens face…

  • waterboarding led to location of Bin Laden

    “A prisoner of war is a man who tries to kill you and fails, and then asks you not to kill him.” Winston Churchill… Bush once again proves that he was right all along even President Obama must agree he allegedly gave the order based on evidence obtained by waterboarding, right? In what is sure…

  • dementia and the liberal agenda

    Can you believe all the liberal lies of the last two years, they said waterboarding was not right but our own government does it to special ops personal because they know that in order to be prepared for war you have to know what you will face and they know that our soldiers will face…

  • waterboarding

    My own father was water boarded, many men have been water-boarded in the past and as a matter of fact men are still water boarded as a matter of training, in the event they are captured by the enemy to prepare them for what we know they will do. Another fact is that the US…