waterboarding led to location of Bin Laden

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“A prisoner of war is a man who tries to kill you and fails, and then asks you not to kill him.”
Winston Churchill…

Bush once again proves that he was right all along even President Obama must agree he allegedly gave the order based on evidence obtained by waterboarding, right?

In what is sure to be a difficult psychological choice the liberals must now choose between what resulted from the practice of water boarding which has been going on for a long time in fact US personal in special ops training have been going through this process for a long time now, which means that many of those that are currently in the service now have been water-boarded in the past.

So to review water boarding resulted in the location of Bin laden which resulted in an order from Washington which resulted in what we now know happened. Yet for the last two years this administration has done nothing but talk about the exact opposite of what we see they are now taking credit for the actions of those in the past administrations did that made this possible.

If it were up to them, there would be no enhanced interrogation and also known as water boarding…

If it were up to them they would not have ever made this decision so we have to give credit where credit is due, President Obama made the call and it was a good call, yet if it had not been for water boarding they would never have had this opportunity in the first place, so as the old saying goes you cannot have your cake and eat it too.

Either water boarding is torture or it is what led to finally getting Bin laden you cant have it both ways, either it is effective or it is not effective and from where we sit it is very effective and we have to give credit to both presidents, Obama for having the guts that allegedly Clinton did not have to make the call and Bush for having the guts to do what our own enemies have done for years.