Tag: Enemies

  • Freedom of the Press or Opression of Liars?

     The Profound danger we face is not from our enemies without… The most serious problem we face in America today is not what you might think but what you would never think. We have a press that is no longer the real thing… We face a serious threat from liars in the media, Powerful State…

  • Benghazi a loss of Life and loss of leadership

    In what is quickly becoming a very hot topic, Benghazi is the best picture of what a weak foreign policy will do for any nation in the world, the truly sad thing is that America has become the prime example of how weakness breeds contempt in your enemies.

  • Washington Let Americans Die?

    Did Washington Allow Americans to die when they could have helped? Did Washington Spend Billions of dollars to get Gaddafi and would not lift a finger to help Americans who were waiting for help? What is wrong with Washington? If you have serious concerns about the safety of Americans both domestically and abroad, then there…

  • water boarding?

    In a perfect world, there would be no evil, never would the rain fall during a parade. In a perfect world the world would be friendly and men would all be friends, we would all just get along… But the truth is that we do not live in that perfect world that so many people…

  • No plan Demorats?

    So, where is the plan that will deliver America out of the hands of its enemies, and provide more jobs and more security for our Senior citizens, protect our disabled, secure our borders, secure the future of our children and future generations of Americans? Where is it? Because right now it appears that the plan…

  • the President is right

    As much as it Pains me to say this, the debt has gone too far to be able to manage it with cuts alone. We are going to have to raise taxes, so on that issue the President is right, however everyone is going to have to “chip in” as the President also said, we…

  • New debt deal lie?

    Have we been lied to yet again? The politicians may have done what they do best, play a game of kick the can, paint a fence white with cheap paint and call it a $40 dollar hammer. But what really seems to be salt in the wound is the media.   You know after a…

  • waterboarding led to location of Bin Laden

    “A prisoner of war is a man who tries to kill you and fails, and then asks you not to kill him.” Winston Churchill… Bush once again proves that he was right all along even President Obama must agree he allegedly gave the order based on evidence obtained by waterboarding, right? In what is sure…

  • Genghis Khan We demand you return the land…

    Should we go back and demand that every nation on the face of the earth return all the land they have ever fought over? What about the many millions of lives that have been lost because of land, War War, ll and really many wars have been fought over land, so what now we just…

  • Our Fathers and Grand fathers

    Americans have died for the dream of what it means to be free, for many years this has happened. Many of us come from families that have sacrificed to serve this nation if not directly then by a family member, in fact many of these members gave all they had to this nation to support…