Tag: Presidents

  • Reporter asks tough question

     Did President Obama make a subtle suggestion to an NBC reporter?  Now a popular online website recently suggested that Obama may have suggested something in a gesture. Were not sure, but it is possible, you might think that this would have been more appropriate had the question come from fox news. Still its an interesting…

  • Fire Karl Rove?

    You might be thinking that perhaps Karl Rove who was once considered to be one of the smartest guys in the room, perhaps needs to retire.  You might be right.  There was a time when Karl Rove was on top of the world.  Having thumped John Kerry, he became the darling of the Republican establishment…

  • Presidents plan failure?

    Is the presidents plan a failure before it ever makes it to a paper copy and is that going to kill trees? When you try to do the same thing over and over again, and it fails over and over again, when do you have to say to yourself, I need to do something different…

  • Newt Gingrich cannot win

    Why Newt may be the smartest guy in the room that cannot be president?Well I know it sounds bad but it is true that since the early 1970s most presidents have been tall, attractive and can make a good presentation on TV, that is just the way it is, are we bad for saying that?…

  • whitehouse selling American Oil leases to Foiegn nations?

    It is a little like what you might expect to read in a Ken follet novel about spy and intrigue, not business as usual, but is this business as usual in a big news story exxon mobile is suing the white house, over the lack of due process in the loss of an oil lease…

  • fox news unfair?

    Has fox news lost its way? It would seem so because in 2000 Fox news became more popular because they were covering the news, that sadly has changed, over time it appears that Fox news may have actually shifted to the left. Which could be one reason why Glen Beck felt that he needed to…

  • Sell Sell Sell

    Well it seems that there is a frenzy going on in the market place, a vote of no confidence in Washington and this presidents ability to pass cut cap and balance, actually I am almost certain he said he would veto it, so in the blame game, who is really at fault here, Harry Reid,…

  • would you be willing to pay more taxes?

    If, and this is a big if, If, they could guarantee that the extra tax revenue would go to reduce the debt and secure the social security system for the futures of our children and beyond, I believe that a majority of Americans would in fact support a tax increase however so far we have…

  • waterboarding led to location of Bin Laden

    “A prisoner of war is a man who tries to kill you and fails, and then asks you not to kill him.” Winston Churchill… Bush once again proves that he was right all along even President Obama must agree he allegedly gave the order based on evidence obtained by waterboarding, right? In what is sure…