Tag: President Obama
Political Fake News and Biased Coverage.
Biased Coverage? Apparently there is nothing about this fake news that is news at all. Politico is it real or is it just another fake. Warning what you are about to see might be offensive to some people. The truth shall set you free but biased news coverage could be considered a shackle around your…
JEB Bush..
Received in an Email. Watch out, Jeb Bush just announced that he is running for president. President Obama has failed us. Hillary Clinton would fail us. We cannot afford another four years of the same failed policies. That’s why I announced today that I’m running for President. That’s why I need your support right now. Under…
Keystone passes Senate..
Finally the Keystone Pipeline project which will create thousands of Good paying jobs for Americans that are looking for those jobs has been passed. This is something that the 1 percent did not want to happen. What will President Obama do? Will he side with the middle class as he says that he wants to…
Holy Banshee Batman
Can you believe what they are trying to do in Washington? Why do you feel they want to do this… Source. On Wednesday, House and Senate Tea Party leaders came together with grassroots activists on Capitol Hill to denounce President Obama’s unilateral amnesty order that now frees an estimated 5-6 million illegal immigrants from the…
Obama Care is it Good or is it bad?
Some people say that Obama care is good other say its bad. The truth is we may never know because some are saying that the Affordable Care Act, could cause the downfall of the American Way of Life. Is Obama Care real or is it all just a scam? If it is real where…
Ted Cruz?
This is the guy that the liberals love to hate, but why is that exactly… Amazing stuff Tea Party Senator Ted Cruz spoke at length about the state of America at the Family Leadership Summit in Iowa on Saturday. Discussing a wide range of issues, the Texas senator, who has stood firm in a Democrat-controlled…
harry reid once again tries to dismantle constitution?
What is wrong with a man that cannot understand the words that were meant to protect the people from ignorance? You look at these things and you wonder how its possible that people like harry reid are in the Senate at all… Have a look at this video, you see this is not only about…
Is Harry Reid a Traitor?
You might wonder, considering that this man has allegedly blocked any attempt at passing a budget… Blocked at every turn attempts to turn this nation back to a place where Americans can again be free. Now Harry has plans to Force America like a hard man would try to rape a woman. Take action… The…
boehner is he really leading?
You might wonder what the gentle giant of the house is up to and you would be right to be concerned. Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) pledged his support Wednesday for the House version of the $940 billion farm bill, roughly 80% of which will go to fund food stamps over the next ten years. What…