New debt deal lie?

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Have we been lied to yet again?

The politicians may have done what they do best, play a game of kick the can, paint a fence white with cheap paint and call it a $40 dollar hammer.

But what really seems to be salt in the wound is the media.


You know after a while you begin to tire of the constant media intervention in the news, and the word bias begins to come out of the air in volume.

The news media including the Wall street journal, (allegedly) have begun to report that stocks are rallying upon news of a debt deal that may actually be a lie.

On top of that I find no where in the constitution where it says that a gang of 6 or a gang of 12 or a gang of a handful of leaders, (if you can call them that at all)

Can provide and choose legislation for all of America?

That is not constitutional, Everyone that swore an oath to uphold and protect the constitution of the United States of American from all enemies foreign and domestic, must do their sworn duty or resign, because what this deal does is abdicate the sworn oath of these political leaders, that is not right and it cannot stand it is not legal.

When a man is required to dispel his oath which he swear, upon the foundation of this nation, then where does that leave you?

If a man must abdicate his oath of office, in order to get some kind of half (@#$) deal done, then you know what, it is not right, and that man should resign from office.

This is a game of kick the can, and the American people know it, we cannot afford to get this wrong, it has been a problem for many years, we have seen this issue since 1913, where the mistake began, and yet nothing has been done to avert this disaster, it seems easy enough to figure out, we need more revenue, and we need reasonable spending.

How is that so hard to figure out, what we do not need, is arts and humanity to the tune of millions upon millions of dollars, public radio subsidies, Gas and oil subsidies.

We do not need to be funding NPR, and other organizations, that are politically biased, (allegedly)

We do not need to be spending millions of dollars in an attempt to preserve mice in swamps in the District of Nancy Pelosi, (allegedly)

We do not need all this pork, and if the various entities that have borrowed, money from the Social Security fund, (for the last 30 years) would pay it back, we would not have any problem with that either.  Still we have bias in the media, we have bias in the White house, we have bias in the Senate, and we have bias in the house.

When will they learn and understand?

The American people are not stupid as you suppose.

The American people are smarter than many of your think that you are.

One thing for sure, this really puts the next election in the right light, it is time to clean up Washington, it really is time to drain the SWAMP…