Is the tea party getting too radical?
The thought sort of crosses your mind, you agree with some of the things they are saying but are they really starting to go too far.
Sure the Affordable Care act is a nightmare that has to be fixed or it must be repealed, foreign policy is what it is, there are some scandals that should be addressed and there are some things that are disturbing but does it mean that we need to talk about impeachment?
Because most of us know that there is not going to be any such thing.
Were worried about the Zimmerman verdict, what do you think would happen if there was an impeachment?
Now that should concern you because from that perspective you look at the events of this administration and you think, Ok, so we watch as our nation is destroyed all because of what were worried about riots if an administration is criminally negligent?
Now that is to the right of what is happening to the left there are some social improvements, some people are eating better than they have in a long time because of help in the form of food stamps and yes some people are taking advantage of that but many need it.
We look at things and we think its the end of the world but the truth may be that every president does things that are not popular, Bush did things that were wrong and he did some things that were very right, this president may have some things that he does that are good but so far it appears that this affordable care thing, has gone off the tracks, mostly because he exempts many union backed companies and not small business, while the mandate that everyone pay into the system without any expectation of getting any thing out of it, now that is a problem, hopefully it will get worked out before the articles of impeachment are signed.