Tag: Perspective
Media Bias
The Media does not like the tea party, no surprise there as it has long been established that the media is not really that impartial in its reporting of the news, however it begs the question that should be something everyone is talking about, which is how can the media only present one side of…
Palin bus tour
Can Sarah Palin win against the media? I wonder about that, you know should the media have a side at all? Think about that for a second or two, the media should not be picking and choosing a side in a political race yet that is what they are doing is it not? When you…
Bin Laden said to have hide away
It is being reported that Bin Laden may have been hidden here for a long time, as usual the media has failed to cover this story from the perspective of what is really important. We have to ask why not, Why does the media not cover these stories, we are certainly not as smart as…
Veto in Washington?
Will the Democrats sell out there only chance to win re-election by staging a Government shut down which is what will happen if they veto this bill, and more than that, will that spell the end of now President Obama’s chances to be elected as president again? A mechanism for funding the Government and also…
City of Phildelphia to Violate State and Federal Laws?
Will the City of Philadelphia attempt to subvert Federal Commerce law in favor of regulating commerce on the Internet, as one popular story seems to be stating that the city is entitled to charge every blogger a fee to post on their blogs. Now that is just plain stupid, you know what the answer to…