Tag: scandals

  • Freedom of Speech

    The freedom of Speech is under attack in Congress. Guess who is behind this? Democrats… Is that what America is about? Shutting up someone you do not agree with?

  • media mash politics

    Recently all you see on the news is media bashing anyone the media views as a potential republican candidate. They actually have attempted to coin a phrase called bridge gate. Why is that when Washington has hundreds of scandals which the media just ignore. They are fake scandals. LOL folks, I just have to laugh…

  • tea party too radical?

    Is the tea party getting too radical? The thought sort of crosses your mind, you agree with some of the things they are saying but are they really starting to go too far. Sure the Affordable Care act is a nightmare that has to be fixed or it must be repealed, foreign policy is what…

  • Spys, Leaks, Scandals, will they panic?

    The most dangerous consideration is a government that is not staffed with people that can lead. When you see people that panic instead of leading, then you have a big problem one that must be solved, when people refuse to lead then congress must come forward and do the right thing. Politics is an excuse…

  • DC Scandals

    With so many scandals what will happen next, you just never know what will we find out about now. [kc_heading_pac_6_headline_sub_1 size=”51″ color=”#000000″ ]Selling a Senate Seat..[/kc_heading_pac_6_headline_sub_1] What would happen if someone decided that they were going to profit from assigning a senate seat? Well that is just what happened to Blagojevitch 

  • So many Scandals So little time to lie about them…

    What is with these democratic spin leaders…

  • So many Scandals Too little time to report them all

    The truth about what is happening in Washington may never be known with people like the press sec who spins and spins like a spider never approaching the truth…

  • Abolish the IRS?

    Can anyone say that the IRS serves a purpose beyond the idea that somehow the Rich pay less taxes than what they would pay if there was not an IRS? “I think there’s a major opportunity, given the scandal at the IRS, to really get at trying to abolish that agency,” Miller told FOX Business’…

  • IRS Scandals will they be investigated?

    Will we see some progress on this very important issue or will it just be swept under the rug as political fodder?

  • democrat scandals and Media liars

    You may not hear about the scandals that happen when it effects a democrat, but this kind of one sided news is what is causing a rush to the internet for most information consumers, they can get a more balanced approach with internet news. What is interesting here is that so many people seem to…